Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Back into the Swing of Things

So maybe I was having an off day or swinging an axe is not like riding a bike. I got into the hang of it at the end but there was a mixture of curses and laughing at myself throughout. Also a few pieces are back in the shed. I don't admit defeat but I think they need to age a bit.

Always stop before you become frustrated swinging an axe!

I try to mix in some easier ones with the tough ones. Frankly after wrestling with a tough one, the joy of having a piece of wood practically fall apart on its own is a godsend. Big smiles and cheers. The chickens seemed to enjoy the show.

This year figuring out the best way to heat the house in the shoulder season has not been easy. Thankfully I had my furnace repaired last week so I can use my forced air. However using up the oil tank this early is not what I was planning on. I have a Kachelofen wood stove which only burns 2 fires a day. The whole thing heats up rocket hot but takes a few days to do so. Annoying as then it's too hot and I feel like I'm wasting wood. Argh. So I'm usually burning 1 fire a day and then doing some blasts of heat from the furnace.

The boys and I are fine. I have extra blankets on all our beds for the cool nights. The cat is now back to sleeping with me, its nice to have a little purring heater.

Soon I will have the garden put away and the greenhouse covered and prepped. Then I'll be back into renovating. After insulating roughly 70% of the house last year I really need to do more. So much work! However, I am now awesome at it! As for mudding out, I'm trying but apparently so far I suck at it.

Let's see what I can accomplish this winter.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Box Delivery Week 21

October 24th, 2014
Week 21

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Spinach, Rutabaga, Beet Greens, Lacinato Kale, Rainbow Swiss Chard, Potatoes, Celeriac, Garlic and Rosemary

This week is a bit of a mix with the end of the season drawing near. For those who do not know what Celeriac is, it’s a root vegetable with a celery taste. It is wonderful in stews, boiled and mashed with potatoes and grating into a slaw salad with cabbage, carrot… Just about any root vegetable can go in it.

My favorite easiest dressing for coleslaw:
Start small as you can always make more. For two people I usually use ½ cup of mayonnaise and then slowly add pickle juice mixing until a desired consistency is reached. Add salt and pepper to taste. Then add your coleslaw and toss it together. If you think you need a little more dressing just make some more in a separate bowl and then pour over the salad.

Another great side dish is rutabaga or potatoes roasted with rosemary and garlic. Dice up the root vegetable, mince the garlic and add some copped rosemary. Mix in a casserole dish with some olive oil and bake until tender at 350 degrees.

Next week the delivery will be on Thursday as Friday is Halloween. It will also be the last delivery for this season. My thoughts are already on next season and I am looking forward to your ideas on what you would like me to grow for you in 2015.

Have a wonderful week!

Your Farmer,


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Halloween Decorating

Tonight the boys and I broke out the Halloween decorations. With the chaos last year going through all the renovations we missed decorating. Today we were inspired by all the decorations around Mahone Bay and at the boy's school which is getting ready for Bay Boo this Saturday.

I lugged my two big boxes down from the attic to the delight of the boys. Believe it or not I've downsized! Navarre said "Wow Mom you have a lot of decorations. This is so cool!" After dinner we made Halloween paper chains and then placed the different ornaments around the house. The boys said we were "Spookyfi-ing" They soon started making up games with the big plastic spiders, rats and bats. I loved putting out my extra broom in the corner, my beautiful black crow, skull candles, autumn garland, skeletons and my favorite vintage pumpkin man. Vintage Halloween is a favorite of mine. Wish I could get some more.

Tomorrow I need to find some thread to hang the bats and I've promised the boys we will make Halloween cookies next week to take to school for their class parties. I must admit I'm stoked! It's been a while since I decorated Halloween cookies. Dare I even bring up the possibility of a Halloween Gingerbread House? My goodness I must be crazy.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

A Visit From The Neighbors

With the estimated torrential amounts of rain coming I decided it was best to complete most of my harvest yesterday. Luckily I had my two favorite helpers with me after they finished school. I admit their focus was lost once they saw all the worms in the soil. Worm huts and houses became a priority! It was great listening to them, I love the stories they make up.

When I moved to dig up the beets the boys joined me to munch on the blue star flower, Borage (tastes like cucumber). It was then that we noticed our "neighbors" were near.

We immediately wandered over to the fence. We haven't seen them much this year so it was a treat.

There is a barbed electric fence between us and the cattle so I wasn't concerned however we still didn't move closer to them and watched our movements. They stuck around for a little while with all of us watching each other. So neat. Love being in the country.

Monday, 20 October 2014


Magic is in the air! All I could think about were fairies, gnomes and other magical creatures after finding this little beauty yesterday.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Box Delivery Week 20

Here is this week's newsletter:

October 17th, 2014
Week 20

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Arugula, Spinach, Celery, Apples, Parsley, Garlic and Sweet Peppers

This week flew by with the boys and I working on the greenhouse. It’s turned into a huge jungle gym for them. Also we’ve been having some fun in the kitchen baking. Apple season is here!

This week paired with the apples is celery which makes a fantastic Waldorf Salad.

Apples                         Celery
Raisins                        Walnuts
¼ cup Mayonnaise                  ½ Tbsp. sugar
½ tsp lemon juice                    Pinch of salt

Chop up the apples and place in a bowl of lemon water to prevent browning. Slice the celery. Mix the dressing. Drain the apples add to dressing with celery, raisins and walnuts. Serve immediately.

Have a great weekend and be safe in the coming storms.

Your Farmer,


Sunday, 12 October 2014

Box Delivery Week 19

Here is a peek at this week's newsletter:

October 10th, 2014
Week 19

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Mesclun, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Assorted Winter Squash, Carola Potatoes, Leeks and Sage

The nights are getting colder and on the plus side bringing out sweetness in all the hardy greens. This week it is exciting to have leeks which pair perfectly with potatoes for Potato Leek Soup.

The sage can be used for your Thanksgiving Turkey. My way, which I adapted from Jamie Oliver is to take the fresh turkey and gently separate the skin from the meat, making a pocket open from the neck down over the breast meat. Take some butter and smooth it out over the breast meat and then place in your sage leaves laying them flat. The bird is now self-basting and beautifully flavored. Looks like a stain glass window. Plus remember to throw your giblets in the pan with the turkey to add an enormous amount of flavour to the gravy.

Also many people comment on how I carve a turkey, apparently it’s not the norm. Let the turkey rest for a little while after coming out of the oven. Keep it hot by placing tin foil and a clean towel over it. Once ready to carve get out your platter. Find the breast bone and cut down on one side with your knife, using the ribs of the bird to guide you, take the whole breast completely off. Then slice it crossways so that each person receives both the outer meat and the tender inner meat. Repeat with the other side. Place the breasts in the center of your platter and remove the dark meat and place around the outside. Yummy and beautiful.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Your Farmer,


Saturday, 4 October 2014

Box Delivery Week 18

Here is a peak at this week's newsletter:

October 3rd, 2014
Week 18

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Mesclun, Arugula, Garlic, Assorted Winter Squashes, Eggplant, Radish, Celery

Fall colors are coming into full bloom here at the farm. Our walks around the pastures are becoming more and more vibrant every day.

This week we have some sweet winter squash. Simply cut in half, place in a baking dish cut side down, add some water and bake at 350 degrees until soft. So good with a little salt and butter.

Also a neat addition this week is celery. Here is a simple pasta recipe:

Pasta with Celery Sauce

A bunch of celery
1/8 cup extra virgin olive oil or to taste
2 scallions, white and green parts, sliced thin
1 clove garlic, minced
½ pound pasta
Parsley for garnish
¼ tsp dried red pepper flakes or to taste
Pinch of salt
1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper

Chop up the celery leaves and set aside.
Chop the celery ribs to be the same size as the pasta.
Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan over medium heat. Sauté the scallions and celery until tender but still firm, about 10 minutes. Stir in the garlic and cook until fragrant approximately a minute. Remove from pan and keep warm.
Meanwhile in a large pot of boiling salted water cook the pasta until al dente, drain but do not rinse.
In a large serving bowl combine the pasta, celery sauce, chopped celery leaves, parsley, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper. Toss well and serve immediately.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Your Farmer,
