Saturday, 21 March 2015

Roof Shoveling

With the coming rain  I thought it would be a good idea to get as much snow off the porch and wood shed roof as possible. There was almost 2 feet of snow up there! Here's a few pics of me up on the snow drifts. It was a little exciting, freaky when the snow gave out from under me at times, but fun especially sliding down at the end.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Another Blizzard?

I thought it was a joke yesterday. 15 - 20 cm maybe even 40 on the way. No way. Well Saint Paddy's brush certainly painted the landscape. The farm received over 55cm. The blowing snow redistributing it throughout the day. All of our footprints were lost within a half hour. The morning began with me strapping on my snow shoes to get up to the barn. I grabbed some water and the snow shovel and laughed at the ludicracy of it all. It took me over 20 minutes to break into the barn. 

The chickens were happy to see me. Frankly they must be completely bored by now as they haven't come out since it started snowing in November.
After a yummy breakfast we made our way up to the greenhouse. The boys played inside while I got to work shoveling off the outside. 

The heat from the greenhouse has melted about 6 inches of snow away from the sides which I fell into twice. First time Anthony ran over to me concerned. 2nd time Anthony just yelled at me "Mom you ok?" "Yep just trying to figure out an escape route." I had sunk so deep I was stuck for a bit. Thankfully I was able to dig in the shovel to then hoist myself out of the snow. 
After digging out around the greenhouse then came the clearing of the roof, which then made it mandatory to dig the whole thing out again. Ugh.
We spent a few hours preparing the garden beds. The boys had a great time getting their hands dirty with me. They are quite excited to get planting.
Later that night our driveway was plowed. The next morning after the wind had finally died down it was time to reshovel practically everything. Huge drifts had once again formed and the way to the greenhouse was... blocked. Thank goodness for my snowshoes!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Spring Is In The Air

Spring is in the air. Our seeds have arrived and sowing began in earnest yesterday. There are over 600 little seeds ready to sprout and many more to be started. So with that thought I looked out my window this evening and said "Hey those look like pussy willow bushes!"

Maybe it's the time change making me a little loopy or it's just me being me. Those were not in fact pussy willows, it of course, was snow.
I went outside to close up the barn and at first went "Are you kidding me!!!" However that didn't last long as it was just too beautiful to stay moody. The scene before me was breathtaking with the soft snow cradled in the branches, the sky deepening with the sunset and the first stars shining down. If you haven't guessed I'm a bit of a romantic.

Shovelling the driveway was a bit treacherous. With the recent positive temperatures the driveway has turned into an ice rink. Slowly but surely it was done with me shouting "The End Is Near!" when I got to the bottom.
Happy Spring Everyone!