Saturday, 6 August 2016

Vegetable Delivery Week 13 2016

August 5, 2016
Week 13

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Assorted Summer Squash, Green/Purple Peppers, Mesclun, Cucumber- either Holland White or Green, Early Tomatoes, Assorted Kale, Green/Yellow/Purple Beans!

This week I had a wonderful amount of texts and emails from Halifax saying “Yea! You got some rain!” or “You’re getting some of this rain. Right?” Unfortunately No… but thanks for hoping J
The forecast for the next 10-14 days for the farm is a possible thundershower tomorrow night with 3mm of rain. Oh Boy. Frankly I’ll take anything.

I was very pleased to have the beans react well to the watering this past weekend. I had been worried about blossom drop with the dryness.

Also the cucumbers came through this week and most are hanging on. However they have reacted very badly to the cucumber beetles so we may have only a short window with these ones before we have to wait for the new seedlings to start producing. Flowers started forming on Thursday.

Have a great weekend!

Your Farmer,
