September 1, 2017
Week 15
Here are some of the items you may be
receiving in your delivery this week:
Cucumber, Rainbow Swiss Chard,
Tomatoes, Yellow and Green Beans, Potatoes, Zucchini, Italian Flat leaf Parsley
and Blueberries!
Hello Everyone,
It was a special treat yesterday
listening to the boys digging up potatoes. Their excitement and exclamations at
finding baby ones and “Wow Mommy that’s a big one!” is an incredible feeling. It
was very cool when they, as my little Padawans found a BB8 potato.
This week I made one of our special
breakfasts. We were able to find some peaches and used the blueberries to make
our wonderful treat of Blueberry Peach Pancakes.
Blueberry Peach Pancakes
Slice up 3-4 peaches and have
blueberries ready.
Mix 1
½ cups whole wheat flour
cup all purpose flour
tsp baking powder
tsp baking soda
tsp cinnamon
Mix 1
lg egg or ½ cup applesauce
cup milk dairy or non
tbsp oil
Add mixtures together and stir to
combine. Add in more milk if mixture is too thick, small amounts at a time.
Pour batter onto hot griddle to form
small pancakes. Five at a time usually works for me as the next step is to
immediately lightly push in the peach slices and some blueberries into each wet
pancake. Once the bottom is firm flip them over to complete cooking.
I always make homemade syrup as my
mother and I have since I was little.
Bring to a boil 2 cups sugar and 1
cup water. Stirring to help dissolve. Once done add in a tsp of maple
flavouring. So yummy.
We still have a few chickens
available in the freezer ranging from 5-6.5lbs at $4.50/lb, delivered.
Great response for our beef boxes
this week. The 20lb boxes of assorted cuts includes roasts i.e. Round,
Shoulder; ¾ inch Steaks i.e. T-Bone, Rib Eyes, Prime Rib; Ribs or Hamburger.
The box price is $150.00 each and a
20% deposit is requested which equals $30.00 The boxes will start being
available in October. I will keep you posted and advise you of the exact dates
Wishing you all a wonderful week!
Hope to hear from you all soon.
Your Farmer,