Friday, 9 November 2018

2018 Vegetable Delivery Week 7

June 29, 2018
Week 7

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Rainbow Swiss Chard, Purple and White Mixed Bunching Onions, Assorted Head Lettuce including Friseé, Purple Romaine and Butterhead, Purple Mustard Greens, Spring Baby Carrots,  Edible Flowers including Nasturtiums and Calendulas and… Strawberries!

This week we had some wonderful rainfall including a torrential downpour with an amazing thunder storm Thursday overnight to Friday morning. The boys had left the wheelbarrow down by the house and it turned into a makeshift rain gauge. Wow that’s a lot of water.

6am found me containing a leak at one side of the house waiting to be fixed once the roof is redone, and then up on a ladder unclogging a drainpipe and running around checking drainage ditches. Meanwhile our awesome Junior Farmers were taking care of the Layers, little chicks and greenhouse. Thank goodness we did have this rain as looking forward at the temperatures I’m already expecting to be watering the field on Monday and then again Thursday.

The harvest this week is a wonder to behold after the weather we’ve had this month. A rainbow of color. This week we made strawberry rhubarb muffins which both boys insist on having more rhubarb in them next time. They are wonderful for breakfast with tea and fruit.

I had written the newsletter this far on Friday morning and now on Tuesday am only just getting back to it. We had some extra drama here starting on Friday night, never a dull moment. I came down from closing up the barn and could smell the stench of a skunk spray. As I approached the porch I saw our cat Jasper sitting there with his eyes shut facing me. He was drenched. It must have been point blank range. I picked him up and wrapped him in a towel. I did my best to flush his eyes out as he could barely open them. Our poor baby.

He did really well and at this point I was only bleeding a little and my hands smelled awful. Who can blame him; I hate putting drops in my eyes let alone flushing awful stuff out of them. He then escaped me and hid in the house.

His eyes were a lot clearer the next day and I sent his stinky butt directly outside in the morning. Researching online I found a number of people using hydrogen peroxide mixed with baking soda and a little dish soap. Bathing my cat has never been on my list of things to do in life. I was pleasantly surprised at how he managed. Mainly he was trying to get away but no growling, biting or clawing. Once he realized the shower door was shut and that there was no escape, he stayed still and succumbed to the treatment. The treatment took all of the smell away from where I had washed him. His face is still odorous as I wasn’t going to risk getting it in his eyes but it is gradually wearing off. We wrapped him into a towel and he snuggled for a while on my lap before starting giving himself a huge bath.

With Jasper set, I went to ready the trap to catch the skunk. I’ve been attempting this for a few months now with numerous baits but I was exhausted at this point so went with moistened dry cat food. After having the skunk walk right up to me about a month ago I chose to set the larger trap and called it a night. The next morning unbelievably we caught one! OMG! I say one, as it certainly wasn’t the one I’d seen before but a baby.

An adorable, spraying, little baby. How on earth was I going to handle this? I had breakfast in the oven, less than an hour before I had to drop the boys off at Exit 7 and then start work at my part time job 45 minutes after that. The day was going to be hot. Could I move it to the shade with food and water until after work? That way I could take it to release using the trailer. No way, too many risks. I decided to just go for it. Anthony stayed home with Navarre and I grabbed our thick car blanket and placed it over the scared little skunk who stenched up the joint immediately. The potent acidic smell of rotting flesh. Disgusting. As gently as possible I moved the trap into the back of the CRV and had a windy drive with the windows down. Once I found an area far from other residences I pulled off the road and gingerly removed the trap from the car with the skunk continuing to let out little bombs. I plunked the trap down and opened it. It didn’t come out! Crap. Okay, now what? Skunks are mostly nocturnal so I moved the trap to a bush and pulled off the blanket. Oh goodness. I moved back attempting to get out of range and with great relief did not get further scented. My hands still reeked from tending to Jasper. The little cutie took its sweet time getting out of the cage and I set back for home. A friend offered her driveway to park the car for work so I could leave the windows down. Now 2 days later they are still down but the smell is improving.

Jasper is doing great. He still has some discharge coming out of his eyes. His fur looks gorgeous and the scent on his face is slowly going away. The meat birds are out of their little chick cages and enjoying roaming around the large horse stall. No luck catching anything else so far. We have as you have been doing our best to beat the heat and keep the plants watered. I’m hoping for a thunderstorm.

I hope you all had a fantastic Canada Day Weekend and wonderful week.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Your Farmer,

2018 Vegetable Delivery Week 6

June 22, 2018
Week 6

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week: Spring Onions, Yellow Squash and Green Zucchini, Red Russian Kale, Spinach, Hakuri Turnip, Scarlet Globe Radishes, Rainbow Swiss Chard, Assorted Lettuce

We are very thankful for the wonderful farming community we have here. Talking with other farmers this week it’s shocking how the frost at the start of June is still affecting all of us. The Christmas Trees may not recover for 2 years due to the amount of damage done to the new growth. Entire apple orchards have started to prematurely drop their apples. Additionally the soil suffered and we all have our fingers crossed that the rain this week will help it bounce back. All gardeners are hopeful the crops will recover by the end of July. Last night I was relieved to see small improvements for many things.

A few items this week were generously shared from other organic farms. The boys and I were up in the field until 8 o’clock last night planting our new seedlings which we sowed after the frost. Our cat Jasper came up as well to make it a family affair.

Friday deliveries went well pulling the trailer around Halifax. I’ve only driven it a few times and need to take it to a parking lot to practice backing it up. It was stressful but we picked up the new tiller from just North of Truro and it’s now home and ready to use on Tuesday. Our other one had a complete engine failure but as it was over 40 years old it certainly had put it’s time in. This one is a smaller version so it will be much more manageable for me.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Your Farmer,

2018 Vegetable Delivery Week 5

June 15, 2018
Week 5

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week: Bok Choy, Rhubarb, Lacinato Kale, Swiss Chard, Easter Egg Radishes, Rosemary and Head Lettuce

The boys and I are enjoying our rhubarb compotes and have added sliced radishes to our sandwiches for and extra crunch. I used some of the amazing beef we had last fall mixed up with this week’s greens. Absolutely delicious first over pasta and then buns.

This week the heat table in the greenhouse is once again filled with seed trays as we replant after Nova Scotia suffered the frost last week. The swing in temperatures has put quite a stress on the plants which persevered. Extra attention and seaweed fertilizer is being given to all. A little joy we found the other morning was our greenhouse tomatoes have started to flower. Happy sign of something delicious to come.

The farm is additionally busy with cutting wood out of the forest for firewood and working towards having horses boarded at the farm. Reclaiming the riding ring from the lupin takeover is quite a task and I’ll be starting to put a new roof on the stables later this month. I’m hopeful to find a stable manager for July.

Progress on the new chicken coop is also continuing. Currently in the barn our new black layers have settled in. They had instigated a coup and most of the layers started laying their eggs outside the barn. We are back to keeping them inside in the morning to at least get the early birds to deliver inside the barn. Our cat Jasper found a nest the other afternoon. We had broke for lunch at the house and saw Jasper pounce into a bush. Smartie, one of our original chickens came out squawking murder. Jasper just looked at her, with I’m sure a smug smile and continued on. Smartie kept up the racquet for what seemed like a hour before heading up to the barn to lay. Good boy Jasper.

Our first group of meat birds have arrived. The little cuties are happy and healthy, basking in the sun lamps. They will be full grown in a few months. Orders can be placed at any time.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Your Farmer,

2018 Vegetable Delivery Week 4

June 8, 2018
Week 4

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week: Hakuri Turnips with Tops, Beet Greens, Assorted Lettuces, Rhubarb, Easter Egg Radishes, Red Russian Kale and Rosemary

The first “fruit” of the season has arrived! Rhubarb. There are an incredible amount of recipes for this little beauty like muffins, crisps and tarts. My personal favourite is stewed rhubarb which we put on oatmeal or as a dessert with some ice cream. The boys and I are going to experiment with this savoury option tomorrow night:
Always fun to try something new.

This week brought some devastation to Nova Scotia farmers. On Sunday we were hit with a low temperature of minus 5 and whatever tender plants made it through that morning was a total goner on Monday morning when we awoke to everything covered in a layer of thick frost. The boys and I had covered as much as possible with thick row covers but we still have faced numerous losses along with other farmers. The good news is it’s still June and we can replant. This just means that many of our harvests will be delayed. This coupled with the intense hail storm we suffered last June has made me completely adjust my planting schedule. Quite impossible to predict Mother Nature. You just do the best you can and make contingency plans.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Your Farmer,

2018 Vegetable Delivery Week 3

June 3, 2018
Week 3

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week: Lovage, Assorted Head Lettuce, Hakuri Turnips with tops, Pac Choy, Rainbow Swiss Chard, Red Kitten Spinach, Easter Egg Radishes, Beet Greens and Thyme

A vibrant green basket this week. The Turnips are wonderful sliced up raw or steamed. Their tops are nice chopped and sautéed with some onion over rice. One tip for the beet greens is to put them into a bowl of water as they sometimes need a really good rinse before cooking. Maybe try the fresh thyme on the cooked beet greens with some balsamic vinegar. If you are able to resist eating all the radishes raw, you could try little tea sandwiches of perhaps sourdough bread with butter, topped with slivers of radish and thyme.

It was an incredible week of temperatures hitting very high digits and then promptly dropping down to a frost warning. Everything has needed constant watering and the pallet supports we built for the winter squash were taken for a ride by the wind last night. I’ll be anchoring them with some rebar this week. Also the greenhouse continues it’s transition over to heat loving plants including Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Melons, Eggplant and Peppers.

Here are a couple pictures of our new chickens enjoying their new home.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Your Farmer,

2018 Vegetable Delivery Week 2

May 25, 2018
Week 2

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week: Assorted Lettuce, Chives, Beet Greens, Pac Choi, Baby Turnip Greens, Tatsoi, Green Garlic, Thyme and Spinach

I hope you all have had a wonderful week and enjoyed a fun long weekend.  Harvest day on Friday brought huge smiles with the beautiful bounty collected. Usually we go extremely simple here at our house and saute up the veggies as a side dish. This week however one of our fellow subscribers has inspired me to make a vegetable lasaugna with the greens. Yum.

For lunch today the boys mixed up our favourite dressing for a salad:

1 part olive oil
1 part red wine vinegar
A spoonful of Dijon mustard
2 spoonfuls of Raspberry Jelly

Whisk all together and serve. Play with the amounts to suit your taste buds.

We have some new additions to our farm, 20 chickens are joining our flock. The boys call them “black falcons. I call them “the feisty ones”. They will be integrated into the flock tomorrow after having them get to know the other chickens through a divider.
I’ll post some pics of our new beauties soon.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Your Farmer,

Saturday, 19 May 2018

2018 Week 1 Newsletter

May 19, 2018
Week 1

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Green Garlic, Gunsho, Apollo Arugula, Baby Pac Choy, Sorrel, Lovage, Stinging Nettle and Oregano

Welcome 2018 Vegetable Season!

As much as I can plan for a certain date to start our vegetable deliveries it’s always up to Mother Nature. We had a very cold April and all our little seedlings were shivering under their blankets, none of them interested in growing up. So, it was quite a surprise when I was watering earlier this week that suddenly things were saying “I’m Ready!”

This week’s basket is full of delicious greens for salads, sautés, soups and pastas. Countless ideas are out there on the web for experimenting.

We here are enjoying Gunsho, Pac Choy, plus Sorrel with lemon sautéed with our breakfasts. I like adding spicy Arugula to sandwiches. Our Stinging Nettle will be becoming a pesto. The Green garlic with Spaghetti topped with Parmesan will be a savior when I am coming in late from the garden and need a quick dinner.

We enjoy Lovage Potato Soup each spring and the boys are now asking for Lentils with Lovage. The delicate fronds are a beautiful addition with their  licorice/celery like taste. A friend of mine loves to drink his Ceasers using the Lovage stock as a straw.

Lentils with Lovage

Sauté chopped onion with garlic until soft. Add in rinsed lentils chopped Lovage and maybe some spices like Herb de Provance. Add water to cover by about an inch and bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook until the lentils are softened. Drain off and liquid and drizzle with olive oil. Garnish with a few sprigs of Lovage. Yum.

The rush here at the farm is at full speed. My internal clock now has me up be 5:30 every morning and I’m usually starting to fall asleep by dinner. The boys sports will soon be slowing down and they have been helping in the garden to offset all the time spent driving them to different events. I have also started training for my part time job in Mahone Bay at Have A Yarn. I am very happy to be joining the team.

The field is already filling up with potatoes, letuces, Tatsoi, peas, broccoli, cauliflowers, basil, thyme, onions, edible flowers, kales and swiss chards. Our rhubarb was off to a late start but is now enjoying the sun.

This week all the squash will be going in along with new seedings of radish, beets, and multiple other greens. Also there are many seedlings now needing to be potted up.

The apple trees are starting to bloom and our baby cherry tree is too. We’ve cut down roughly half of our firewood and I hope to soon be able to wear short sleeves again. The black flies were horrible. Numerous other projects are on the agenda for this year including many renovations to the house and finishing the new chicken coop. Never a dull moment.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Your Farmer,

Friday, 23 March 2018

Two Impressive Boys

I have always been impressed by my two boys, your junior farmers, especially lately. First thing every morning they are up with their beds made and off to look after the chickens in the barn. Most times this is even before I’m downstairs.

Last week March break brought another big storm. Our greenhouse is air inflated and needs electricity to keep the little fan going to keep the plastic tight to stay safe from winds. Just before bedtime both boys told me if the power goes out to come wake them up as they wanted to help. Quite awesome to hear from a ten and eleven year old. Shortly afterwards, out went the lights. With flashlights in hand we bundled up and went out into the storm to unplug the cords from the barn and bring them down to the house. Next I showed the boys how to start the generator then we plugged in the cords and went up to check for the sound of the fan working. Throughout this whole process of trudging through the snow up and down from the barn and greenhouse there was laughter and praise for each other. It was an amazing experience to share with my growing young gentlemen.

The next morning came with the power coming back on and then off again for another few hours. The boys were real troupers wanting to learn how to refill the gas for the generator.

We spent most of the day playing games and making progress in the greenhouse sowing seeds.

Lots of fun and interesting challenges raising two boys.