Friday, 23 March 2018

Two Impressive Boys

I have always been impressed by my two boys, your junior farmers, especially lately. First thing every morning they are up with their beds made and off to look after the chickens in the barn. Most times this is even before I’m downstairs.

Last week March break brought another big storm. Our greenhouse is air inflated and needs electricity to keep the little fan going to keep the plastic tight to stay safe from winds. Just before bedtime both boys told me if the power goes out to come wake them up as they wanted to help. Quite awesome to hear from a ten and eleven year old. Shortly afterwards, out went the lights. With flashlights in hand we bundled up and went out into the storm to unplug the cords from the barn and bring them down to the house. Next I showed the boys how to start the generator then we plugged in the cords and went up to check for the sound of the fan working. Throughout this whole process of trudging through the snow up and down from the barn and greenhouse there was laughter and praise for each other. It was an amazing experience to share with my growing young gentlemen.

The next morning came with the power coming back on and then off again for another few hours. The boys were real troupers wanting to learn how to refill the gas for the generator.

We spent most of the day playing games and making progress in the greenhouse sowing seeds.

Lots of fun and interesting challenges raising two boys.