Saturday, 2 November 2013


With buying this farm there have been many "moments" some either good, surprising, freaky or fabulous. Tonight we had an awesome one that every new farmer experiences. We got our first egg! We found it tonight after putting the chickens and turkeys in for the night. It is one of the cutest egg ever and so tiny! The chickens are pullets, basically they are still adolescents. The kids, Paul (my partner) and I are very excited as we were warned they may not lay until spring due to the cold. Well guess what breakfast tomorrow is going to be? Awesome!

Our Berkshire pigs are also doing wonders with their pasture. They are tilling the area for our greenhouse, and loving being outside. Here they are chowing down their grains and extra veggies.


  1. I love your picture of your farm. It looks like a beautiful spot. You must be thrilled to have your hens laying ~ I remember that feeling when we found our first egg. Yahoo!!!!!! Do you butcher your turkeys or do you use them for breeding. We have 4 Bourbon Reds (our first turkeys) and I hate to butcher them because I've gotten to really like having them around but we did buy them as poults to be able to put them in the freezer. Have a wonderful Sunday............

  2. Thank you! We have 3 Eastern Wild Albino turkeys. It has been quite amusing having them follow me around the farm. Yes, that date will be approaching for us too. We will see how it goes.
