A while back I talked a bit about the sounds on the farm. I especially love all the new ones I'm hearing. The most annoying but still hilarious is our Colombian Rock hen. Oh my goodness she has a potty mouth! To date as soon as she sees me or anyone coming to check on them she just lays into us.
BUURRROOCKKK!!!! Over and over! It came to a point I was concerned thinking there was something wrong. She looked to be in perfect health, still I checked her vent. (By the way a vent is the "exit point" on a chicken and if it becomes clogged it can be extremely painful and death can occur.) There are some things you just have to do as a farmer.
So back to the brat. This morning stacking firewood, I start to hear a commotion up at the barn. It sounded like an animal had gotten in with the chickens. Shouting a certain expletive I was off like a shot up the hill. Charging to the barn door ready to deal with the situation, it suddenly went quiet. The chickens were up on their roosts staring at me like I was nuts! This was bloody weird! I looked around and saw no evidence of anything else in the barn which may have bothered them. So all the while I'm asking them what the heck is wrong with them and you guessed it the ring leader, Little Miss Mouthy starts in on me. Well I gave it right back to her glaring at all eight of them. Finally throwing my hands up in the air I left. 3 steps out of the barn the sounds started up again. That's when I realised what they were doing.
The freaking birds were singing.
Are you kidding me? Laughing my ass off I went back to work. Farm life just keeps getting better.
Love it!!!