Friday, 20 June 2014

New Turkeys!

The turkeys are arriving! Eek!
I ordered 8 turkeys this year and their pick up date is for the end of the month. So imagine my surprise when I got the call last night telling me they will be waiting for me in the morning. My chickens are now taking up all of my coop space so I had to come up with a new solution. They are going into a horse stall. I managed to drag the horse mats out so the birds can scratch in the dirt. Those things are very, very heavy.
The water dish is now spotless as well as their feed trough. New shavings are put down and I just need to put up a roost for them later. I'll be able to have them go out the back of the barn in about a week after they are settled, to graze and get some sun.
Pics to come!

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