Sunday, 13 July 2014

Box Delivery Week 5

Here is a peek at the Week 5 Newsletter:

July 4th, 2014
Week 5

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Garlic Scapes, Green Zest, Kale, Spinach, Cucumber, Lettuce, Basil and Edible Nasturtium Flowers.

This week has been hot. Wow! What a shocker it’s actually a summer in Nova Scotia. I’ve had to stop and get out of the fields before lunch and then even at 4pm it’s hard to take. Yesterday it was 35 degrees Celsius in the shade! The animals are all happy and I’m routinely checking on them to make sure they have enough water. The plants are also getting a drench each evening to make it through the heat of the next day. With the Hurricane coming I have held off sowing new seeds until it’s past. No point in having them washed away. Today is Hurricane prep day. Hopefully all of you are ready for the storm. Make sure you have lots of drinking water, candles and ice for your coolers.

This week has an interesting addition to your share: Garlic Scapes.
Garlic Scapes are the flower of the garlic plant. They are a tender and delicious addition to your meal. Simply chop them into your salad or cook them as you would shallots.
A popular recipe is Garlic Scape Pesto.

½ pound of Garlic Scapes (1 of your bunches), chopped
½ cup parmesan cheese
½ tsp lemon juice
½ cup olive oil
Pepper and salt to taste
Place scapes, cheese and lemon juice in Food processor, while blending slowly add the oil. Season to taste.
Fantastic on pasta, meats and cooked veggies.

Have a wonderful weekend!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Your Farmer,


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