Sunday, 30 August 2015

Week 13 Vegetable Delivery

August 23, 2015

Week 13

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:

Mesclun with Nasturtiums, Mixed Fresh Onions, Diamond Eggplant, Rainbow Carrots, Royalty Purple Pod Beans, Italian Flat-leafed Parsley, and Heirloom Tomatoes!

This week brings colorful rainbow carrots which look amazing as a steamed side dish for dinner. The purple beans also steam wonderfully and will retain their color if cooked al dente or turn a beautiful green if you prefer them softer.

Onions, chopped tomatoes and eggplant is the plan for our dinner tonight. Yum.

As always if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Your Farmer,


Week 12 Vegetable Delivery

August 17, 2015
Week 12

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:

Mesclun with Nasturtiums, Peppermint Swiss Chard, Boothby’s Blonde and Longfellow Cucumber, Assorted Summer Squash, Golden Beets, Genovese Basil, and Heirloom Tomatoes!

This week I was so happy to be able to provide all of you with some tomatoes. The basil was also beautiful which pairs especially nicely.

A wonderful combination is a Tricolore Salad which originates from Italy as it is the colors of their flag.
Simply slice fresh Mozzarella cheese and alternate it on a plate with sliced tomatoes and basil. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
Very easy and delicious.

As always if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Your Farmer,

Week 11 Vegetable Delivery

August 8, 2015

Week 11

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:

Mesclun with Nasturtiums, Swiss Chard, Green Onion, Boothby’s Blonde and Longfellow Cucumber, Mixed Beans, Parsley with Calendula flowers, first of the Cherry Tomatoes!

The tomatoes are starting to arrive! I was shocked to suddenly see some color arriving in the greenhouse. More are ripening daily!

For the cucumbers please note the yellow one, is yes, a cucumber. A few of you mentioned you were surprised as you had thought it was a squash. Nope, it’s just a fantastic little heirloom cucumber plant. The inside is green.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Your Farmer,


Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Lightning Strike

Last night some amazing thunderstorms crossed Nova Scotia. At the farm it lasted for almost 2 hours.

The boys are sleeping downstairs in their "summer" bedroom. It is much cooler then upstairs. I really need to get the fan out of the attic. The house has such small windows it's hard to get a cross breeze.

Around 11:00pm I noticed the first flash of lightning and rumble of thunder. As the storm approached and the intensity increased the rain arrived. The flashes were nearly constant with no chance of matching the lightning to it's thunder.

Laying there with my cat snuggled up to me I began to think of how different I would be reacting to this storm if I lived in Tornado alley. I'd be watching the news or listening to the radio for a warning to get down into the storm cellar. Frankly seeing a tornado would be incredible but not at my house and definitely from a distance.

The house and barn are covered with multiple lightning rods. I'm always surprised and grateful the house does not get hit. I said to myself "I wonder how close a strike may come tonight?" Be careful what you wish for. Within just a few seconds of saying that I was blinded and the boom of thunder shook the house.  Instinctively I knew the house and barn were okay and I think it hit somewhere below the barn in the old Christmas tree paddock. Wow. The cat freaked out but the boys were fine. The rain came down and the temperature dropped. For about 5 minutes it was freezing and then it started to warm up again.

Quite a wild night. I love nature.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Week 10 Vegetable Delivery

August 1, 2015
Week 10

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Mesclun with Nasturtiums, Apollo Arugula, Mixed Kale, Boothby’s Blonde and Longfellow Cucumber, Mixed Beans, Mint and Summer Squash!

This week brought our first summer squash which you delivery included one from a mixture of zucchini, yellow squash and patty pan. All are prepared the same way. Try them sliced raw with dip, in a salad or sauteed in a pan with a little salt and butter. 

Also  try having some mint in your lemonade this week!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Your Farmer,


Week 9 Vegetable Delivery

July 24, 2015
Week 9

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Zesty Greens, Red Kitten Spinach, Boothby’s Blonde and Longfellow Cucumber, Diamond and Listada De Gianda Eggplant (not pictured), Danvers Carrots, Peppermint Swiss Chard, Mixed Summer Beans, Thyme, Basil and Calendula Flowers

Many of you this week received a selection of either Carrots and Thyme or Beans and Basil along with your greens this week. I am very hopeful the rain will come soon to help our little plants along.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Your Farmer,


Week 8 Vegetable Delivery

July 18, 2015
Week 8

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Mesclun with Nasturtiums, Red Kitten Spinach, Mixed Kale, Boothby’s Blonde and Baby Cucumber, Diamond and Listada De Gianda Eggplant, Green Onion, Garlic Scapes, Peas, Broccoli Florets

This has been an exceptionally crazy week, even for me. In addition to the regular chaos the market opened this week in SunnyBrook, I processed and delivered 21 chickens (24 more to come next month) and I am trying to obtain a helper for a few days a week. Quite frankly I am still recovering.

I hope all of you are enjoying your veggies. Please let me know if there is anything extra you would like me to grow for you.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Your Farmer,


Week 7 Vegetable Delivery

July 11, 2015
Week 7

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Mesclun with Nasturtiums, Zesty Greens, Paris Market Carrots, Peppermint Swiss Chard, Garlic Scapes, German Salad Radish, Parsley, Dark Purple Opal Basil and Genovese Basil

This week the herbs and edible flowers are finally starting to produce.

The boys and I have also been enjoying our new visitors. Champ and Blaze are now enjoying the pasture and keeping us company while in the garden. 

With the yummy greens, I’m making my favorite salad dressing again.

Raspberry Vinaigrette:

1 part Dijon mustard
1 part olive oil
1 part red wine vinegar
2 parts raspberry jelly (feel free to use more)

Mix well together and serve. It’s a little sweet but not overpowering. Play with the amounts to suit your palette. Also feel free to try different jellies or jams.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Your Farmer,
