Navarre took off like a shot for the front door. I ran to the trunk, grabbed the last bag and was about to follow when I saw Anthony still next to the car. "Honey, c'mon let's GO!!!"
"I can't Mom. We need to save them!"
"A worm"
"Are you kidding me?"
"Mom, you know they will die on the pavement if we don't get them back on the soil."
Staring at my son I went from feeling incredulous to an amazed and proud Mommy. "Okay, let's get this done."
We picked up about 15 worms and put them far back on the lawn. Huge smiles from Anthony.
Interesting fact is worms don't drown. They can survive in water. The reason they come out of the ground when it rains, is that it's humid enough that they can without drying out. The problem is they are blind so can't find their way back to the soil if they crawl out onto the pavement. I've been saving worms since I was little. Now my guys are too. Happy Mommy
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