Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Seedlings Galore!

A little known fact. The amount of seeds that need to be started 6 weeks before the average last frost is HUGE! Whew! I'm almost through it. I still have some flowers to start for bees and beauty but all the veggies are started. Well, for now. Next raft starts again in a few days. Plus transplanting. Shudder. I'll be moving all the little seedlings into soil blocks and as you can see there are a lot of them. Good time to zone out and sing some songs.

As many of you are, I'm ecstatic that the night time lows are now tolerable. This means I don't have to make the trips back and forth between the house and the greenhouse anymore. I actually started using the car as there were just too many to take one or two at a time.

This past weekend all the lettuce emerged and bared themselves to the light. I was both excited and surprised. They weren't supposed to germinated that fast. More shelving in the greenhouse became top priority! Paul did a great job setting them up and now all of them are filled.
He was so proud when he said "Alright. You have room for 20 more flats now."
My response "I love it! However, I need more room."
Once again we both wished the main greenhouse was built. It will be, but another solution was needed. So I came up with the idea to stack pallets, supported high enough above each other for the plants to get sun. Then I can wrap it in plastic on the top and sides and make the front able to open for ventilation and moving plants in and out. This will be the construction plan for this weekend.

Here are a few of the things I've started: leeks, onions, shallots, asparagus, peppers, tomatoes, ground cherries, eggplant, okra, lettuce, spinach, Asian greens, broccoli, cabbage,, Brussels sprouts, collards, kale, Swiss chard, assorted herbs etc. All of these, except the greens have a long growing season so must be started early. The greens are for the first harvest in late May / early June.

Next weeks seeds include cucumbers, more lettuce, squash and melons. Yummy! I can't wait to try the Cream of Saskatchewan Watermelon.
Honestly I'm most looking forward to being in the garden, just need the soil to thaw and be workable.

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