Thursday, 24 April 2014

Unexpected Snow

Today it rained. Just a steady cool rain which softened the last of the deep frost in the soil. The plants were receiving a drink and all in all it was a regular Spring day, until it turned to snow. Here in Nova Scotia I've had to learn to expect odd weather. However, tonight I was staring out my window in disbelief. We were just finishing dinner and I kept saying to myself "It's going to change back, Right?". After 10 minutes I finally woke up to reality.
Up I went to the barn, the seedlings on the open pallets were starting to be covered in snow. I decided my only course of action was to put them in the pallet high rises. I started racing back and forth moving the 38 seed trays into the shelter. Up and down ladders, pushing them in as far away from the weather as possible. My fingers were numb, cut open from the sharp plastic and starting to bleed by the end of it. I could barely see anything due to the snow on my eyelashes. With a heavy heart I just stared at my seedlings and hoped for the best. Hopefully the night time low would stay around 0 degrees Celsius. I checked the greenhouse and it was only 2 degrees. At least those plants are more protected from the elements.
Inside the barn the chickens were bedding down for the night. My "ornamental's" were drying off and the new chicks on the block even with this weather will be very happy to be let out to roam this Saturday. I topped up their food and water and closed up the barn for the night. Those chickens had done a great job laying 14 eggs today.
As for this weather. A lot of people were complaining about the rain today, even me. I was just wishing for some sun to help my plants grow and for the fields to dry. Now, I'm just praying my plants survive. I wouldn't be the first farmer to have to replant. What a daunting task. I'm telling myself everything will be alright.
I am sure this caught many farmers off guard and I hope they are OK. I'll be at the Farmer's Markets this weekend to help and give encouragement. They and now I, have made it our job to grow safe, nutritious, real food for you to eat. This is something that is not easy, but through support by you we can all be greatly rewarded with health and happiness. Please support your local farmers.

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