Sunday, 10 July 2016

3am Attack

After the loss of my chickens a week before around 3 am I heard a noise coming from the barn. I to this point still did not know exactly what animal had attacked. I laid there listening to see if it was just a one time noise and after it came again I was out of bed like a shot. Quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and ran downstairs. My ex was here visiting the boys so I told him quickly what was happening and that I was going up.

I have no gun here at the farm. It’s been realized that I need to take my fire arms safety course once it’s offered again in the fall. So only armed with my phone’s flashlight outside I went. Looking back on it, no, not the safest decision.
In the pitch black I quickly approached the closed doors of the barn, hearing occasional screeches from inside and threw open the barn door.

Inside was the biggest raccoon I’ve ever seen. It was as big as a medium sized dog! I was almost in shock. It looked at me and then amazingly went to the back of the barn scaled the back wall, crossed the hay loft, crawled out the little 3rd level window and down the side of the barn. Holy crap.

Going into the barn I saw it had killed another young layer, my green laying Americana hen and severely injured another adult layer. The darn rooster was still safe and fine. I’ll be getting him butchered with the meat birds. No good at all in protecting his flock.

Okay. Time to deal. I grabbed the axe and killed the injured chicken and disposed of the bodies. Then it was refortification time. Collecting the drill, screws, boards and wire about half an hour later the barn was as secured as I could make it until morning. The next day was spent with further work on the barn and thankfully all seems to be good.

I’m still wondering how the blasted raccoon even realized that top window was open to decide to scale the side of the barn.

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