Sunday, 10 July 2016

Vegetable Delivery Week 9 2016

July 8, 2016
Week 9

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Garlic Scapes, Mesclen, Arugula, Swiss Chard, Mint, Assorted Squash.

We finally had our first rain in over 6 weeks on Thursday. We have been battling this drought the best we can, watering the field every two days which takes over 3 hours at a time. The barn well had to be filled this past weekend to keep up. We’ve been using the house well to water the greenhouse and hot house. Unfortunately with the hot days this has been primarily to keep the plants alive they are by no means thriving. Farmers I’ve talked to in the area say right now it’s a disaster and we all agree it will be another 3 weeks until the gardens have fully recovered.

Here on the farm we are continuously planting daily either in the field or sow new seed trays. Work usually starts around 8:30 after breakfast, we take a break from 2-4 and then wrap things up at 7pm. With this rainfall I’m hoping for some forced relaxation around the firepit.

With this hard year it shows more than ever the benefit of Community Supported Agriculture. By having subscribers to the farm it allows the local small farmer to continue. I myself have taken this to another level and made it a vegetable subscription for 20-22 weeks. Due to the drought we will this year be now down to 21 weeks of delivery.
If any of my subscribers are to be away I give the option to receive a farm credit. That being said, I must have at least 3 days notice in writing before harvest day which is Thursdays.

Farming is a risky venture at times and by having the support of the local community we all share a bit of that risk but all enjoy the rewards. Thank you to all of you who sent messages of encouragement this past week it means a lot and helps me get through the day. It’s never a dull moment here on the farm and I will be posting some blogs regarding this past weeks occurances including ones about raccoons and a skunk. Yuck.

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your salad greens. The garlic scapes make an excellent pesto for over pasta or fish. Also you can put them in an omelet. Due to the great feedback I received last night I will be expanding the garlic bed for next year.

Your Farmer,


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