Saturday, 9 August 2014

Box Delivery Week 10

Here is a peek at this weeks newsletter and what was in the box!

August 10th, 2014
Week 10

Here are some of the items you may be receiving in your delivery this week:
Green and Yellow Cucumber, Bunching Onions, Green Zest, Varieties of Radish, Rainbow Swiss Chard, Assorted Summer Squash, Royalty Purple and Dragon’s Tongue Beans, Purple Opal and Genovese Basil

The wet weather this week has proved wonderful for the garden and has tested my efforts with repairing the driveway. Both I am pleased to say are doing great. Weeding, mulching, fertilizing continue as well as building new raised beds and planting new seeds. The animals are growing fast especially all the little chicks who are already able to fly up to roost.

The 2 beans in your delivery this week have always been a favourite. Simply steam them and they turn green and yellow. The kids and I also eat them raw.

This week our family will be having another easy recipe with the summer squash. I use all but the patty pan or flying saucer for this one.
Slice them lengthwise, trim the ends and scoop out some of the seeds in the middle. In a bowl I then mix up some Italian bread crumbs (I like these as the dried herbs are already in it), diced tomatoes and onions(you can use bruschetta mix), grated Parmesan cheese and some olive oil. Plus salt and pepper to taste. Spread the mixture in the “squash boats” and bake at 350 degrees in the oven until the squash is soft.
So good! Feel free to add extra Parmesan at the end.

Have a great weekend!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Your Farmer,


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