Saturday, 2 August 2014

Wash Out

Last Wednesday night I work up to the sound of a driving rain hitting the house. It was pounding down so hard my blankets at the base of my bed were wet. The cat and I were not impressed. I got up and closed all the windows on that side of the house and mopped up. My mother's visiting and she is camping out in the backyard with the kids. I called down and she said they were fine and happy. OK all good. 
Except, I thought "What was the driveway going to be like the next morning?"
Thank goodness I have a 4 wheel drive vehicle. 

My hard work from the previous weekend of making it smoother for my visitors was down the... driveway. I have known I needed to do something for drainage since I moved in but unfortunately it never happened. Frankly I wasn't sure what to do to fix it. I talked with some people at the Feed store and then the Hardware store. I thought digging a trench and installing a perforated pipe and covering it with large stones would be a good option but finding a pipe which can be driven over was not easy. 
The lady at the hardware store gave me some ideas but most I knew would only last short term. I need something that will last me until at least next Spring. I have no interest in dealing with a ice slicked driveway again this winter. I know I can't make it perfect but anything will be an improvement.
The best idea I could come up with was to install a French Drain across the top and then maybe again a few times down the slope. I have the top one nearly completed, its been a while since I slung my pick axe. Feel the burn baby!

Hopefully this is a good option. I wasn't able to get much feedback. It is difficult work. That driveway is as hard as a rock to dig out. I built it on a slant to drain into the large ditch on the eastern side. This is not going to be an easy project but I'll get it done. Never underestimate a determined woman, especially one with no other option! I'm optimistic!

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